Hi-Tech Heart

At the Hi-Tech Speciality hospital, we have a special program called Hi-Tech Heart which includes cardiology and cardiac surgery specialities.we look at heart care with a holistic prospective that goes beyond superior diagnostic and treatment procedures, to post- treatment management and preventive cardiology. The department offers a full range of treatments like angioplasty (heart stenting treatment) bypass, open heart surgery and other services for treating cardiovascular diseases round the clock.

Our strength is active collaboration and multi disciplinary approach. Physicians work in tandem with cardiovascular specialist to develop the beat treatment plan for each patient. But it simple problems or complex surgical interventions or even highly critical emergencies, we are at the top of Heart care of experience, expertise and excellence.

Things To Know

Our Key Procedures

Healthy Heart

Heart attacks are usually the result of damaged coronary arteries. Over a period of time, the arteries get narrowed because of a build up of fatty deposits in the walls of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Due to this blockages, arteries will not be able to supply enough oxygen rich blood to the heart muscle at times when it requires more than usual.

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Hi-Tech Heart


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Treatment Offered At Hi-Tech Hospital

  • Primary PTCA for Acute MI (Heart Attack)
  • Pericardiocentesis
  • Coronary Angioplasty including Multi Vessel/Complex
  • Peripheral Angioplasty including Renal & carotids
  • Graft Angioplasty & Aortic Interventions
  • Fractional Flow Reserve & Venous Interventions like IVC Filter
  • IVUS and Rotablation
  • EPS and RF Ablation of Arrythmia
  • Ballon Valvuloplasty like
  • Pacemaker, ICD AND CRT-D
  • Varicose veins treatment
  • Paediatric Cardiac Surgery

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